Eric Tjoeng BBG Greater Western Sydney Super Forum
In order to survive and thrive in the new normal, you will need to think differently and have a clear plan in place to cope with the new normal.
Eric will be sharing some key strategies, processes and tactics with us, so that we can come out of this crisis stronger.
Judith-Rose will present practical steps to retain and motivate a disparate team, keep your head in the game and come out stronger. Pointing out key changes that you will need to make to ensure the success of your business.
If you are interested in learning, collaborating and growing with our BBG Eastern Suburbs and GWS Forum, and believe you have something to offer our members, we would like to invite you as our guest for a virtual breakfast on Wednesday 13 May from 9:30 am-11:30 am.
There are only 9 places for guests, so please don’t delay. Be sure to put in Promo code BBGGUEST to come as our guest.
Date: Wednesday 13 May
Time: 9:30am – 11:30am
ZOOM: 89176849806 PASSWORD: Will be sent to you once you have registered
Eric loves to contribute to business owners and leaders – a facilitator of the BBG Greater Western Suburbs Forum, Treasurer of Parramatta Chamber of Commerce and CEO and founder of Business Growth and Exit Specialists Pty Ltd (the name says it all)
A firm believer in lifelong learning, Eric obtained his first academic qualification in a Bachelor of Economics from Sydney University, which was followed by Grad. Dip. EDP (Nepean), Grad. Dip. Management (Deakin), MBA (Deakin), MA (MGSM), Executive Coaching (MGSM). Eric has won many awards throughout his career.
Judith is a Chartered Accountant, behavioural expert and facilitator of the BBG Eastern Suburbs Forum and founder of a Mirato Coaching. Judith works with business owners and executives to maximise their performance, productivity and position in their professional and personal lives
Eric and Judith’s presentation will be followed by our “BBG Think Tank” session via a series of interactive break-out Zoom group discussions.
As a guest at our monthly Business Forum, you will have the opportunity to network, learn and collaborate with other guests and BBG members in a way that will help you overcome common business obstacles whilst getting to know the members of our dynamic Eastern Suburbs and GWS BBG Community.
I’m sure you will find this forum useful, informative and stimulating.
BBG is much more than a run-of-the-mill “Networking” or “Referral Marketing” group.
In a very real sense, it is a “Collaboration”. One that helps SME owners and leaders to develop and grow their businesses.
As a guest at our monthly Business Forum, you will have the opportunity to network with, mastermind, learn and co-operatively overcome business challenges in a way that will help you get to know the members of our dynamic Greater Western Sydney and Eastern Suburbs Chapters.
Over time, as the members get to know like and trust you, collaborations will begin to flourish and referrals will begin to flow.
In response to the Covid-19 situation, all BBG Forums are being held online until further notice.